This application is free.
There is no advertisement.
If a button is pushed, it does not sleep automatically.
A button is displayed on a forefront side.
A button can be pushed at any time.
A setup of automatic "Termination time" is possible.
The Long click the button(Press and hold the button).
A screen is locked.
Operation is made impossible.
===== request =====
This app is donationware.
If you were pleased with this app, please give contribution.
because it is managing with no advertisement, there are no profits by this app.
Only your warm heart is a reliance.
I believe that the world is full of spirit mutual support.
===== The contributory method =====
Please purchase any one of charged app which I created.
Obtained contribution is carefully used as future development costs.
Thank you.
::::: Kazu Pinklady :::::